Display Shed Sale - 10% off any in stock display shed!
Call Us: 574-202-9114
Email Us: eaglebuildingsindiana@gmail.com
12ft Wide
16ft Long
Evergreen Fog Walls
Navajo White Trim
Chestnut Doors and Shutters
Burnished Slate Metal Roof
6ft Double Doors w/Transom Windows
Double 2x3ft Windows w/Shutters
Single 36in door w/Transom Window
6ft Dormer
6in Overhangs
Lofts on Each End
24in Wall Stud Spacing
2x6 Pressure Treated Floor Joists on 4x6 Pressure Treated Skids
Call Us Today at 574-202-9114
2602 Lincolnway E, Goshen, IN 46526, United States of America